Calculate the savings for YOUR shop.   
Your cost of aerosol brake cleaner per can
How many Axles does one can clean
How many cars (2 Axles) do you service per week
Which Brake Washer model would you like
How many Brake Washers do you need
Payback Period: 15 Weeks
Yearly Savings: $2,401

Payback period for your initial cost
Model Mini Air Enviro I Enviro II Truck
Cost $565 $715 $875 $1,330
Payback 12 weeks 15 weeks 19 weeks 19 weeks
Cost to operate your brake washer
Period Week Month Year
Aerosol Cost $47 $614 $2,454
Enviro I Cost $1 $13 $54

                    *We recommend 1 brake washer per bay for high volume shops, or at least 1 brake washer per 25 jobs per week

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